Bmi Doctors

Semaglutide Treatment for Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD

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Table of Contents Introduction Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) encompasses various liver conditions not caused by alcohol consumption. Characterized by the buildup of fat in the liver (steatosis), NAFLD is a growing global health concern, affecting about 25% of people worldwide. It’s strongly linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, all increasingly prevalent …

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Understanding sleep apnea and semaglutide

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Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction Sleep apnea, a prevalent and often underdiagnosed sleep disorder, affects millions worldwide, posing significant health risks and impacting quality of life. This disorder, characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, leads to fragmented sleep and oxygen deprivation. The repercussions of sleep apnea extend beyond tiredness, increasing the risk …

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How long do semaglutide side effects last?

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Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction Semaglutide, a medication that has garnered significant attention in the medical community, stands out for its efficacy in treating certain chronic conditions. Primarily used in the management of type 2 diabetes and, more recently, for weight loss, this drug has become a subject of interest for patients and healthcare …

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Safety & efficacy of combining Phentermine and Semaglutide for weight loss

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Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction In the contemporary world, obesity stands as a formidable health challenge, affecting millions globally. Its implications stretch far beyond mere physical appearance, deeply impacting an individual’s overall health and well-being. This phenomenon has spurred an incessant quest for effective weight loss strategies, leading to the advent and popularity of …

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SELECT Trial: Advances in Semaglutide Cardiovascular Findings

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Table of Contents Introduction The field of cardiovascular medicine is undergoing significant transformation, driven by pioneering research and novel therapies. Leading this change is the SELECT (Semaglutide Effects on Cardiovascular Outcomes in People with Overweight or Obesity) Trial. This pivotal study investigates the cardiovascular benefits of Semaglutide, a drug primarily used for diabetes management. Semaglutide, …

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Exploring the Obesity Epidemic and Semaglutide’s Promising Role

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction Obesity has emerged as one of the most pressing health crises of the 21st century, affecting millions worldwide and presenting a multi-dimensional challenge to global health systems. It’s more than just a matter of excessive weight; obesity is a complex condition with serious social and psychological dimensions, affecting virtually all …

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Food and Trauma: The Connection & Semaglutide’s Role in Healing

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Table of Contents Introduction ​ Recent years have highlighted the intricate connection between nutrition, mental health, and trauma. This growing awareness underscores how our physical health, dietary habits, and psychological well-being are deeply intertwined. Trauma, stemming from distressing events like accidents, loss, or assault, significantly affects mental health and overall well-being. It can alter one’s …

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Emotional Eating: How Semaglutide Offers a Helping Hand

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Table of Contents Introduction: Tackling Emotional Eating with Semaglutide Emotional eating, the act of consuming food in response to emotions rather than hunger, significantly impacts obesity and overall health. This complex behavior involves psychological, physiological, and social factors, challenging individual well-being and public health. Recently, Semaglutide, originally a diabetes medication, has emerged as a promising …

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A Comprehensive Guide to Semaglutide Side Effects

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Table of Contents Semaglutide Side Effects: An Introduction In recent years, Semaglutide has emerged as a significant player in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. As with any medication, understanding its side effects is crucial for both healthcare professionals and patients. This article delves into the various aspects of Semaglutide, focusing primarily on …

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Mindful Eating Strategies While on Semaglutide or GLP-1 Medications: Enhancing Effectiveness and Health Benefits

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Table of Contents Introduction The emergence of Semaglutide and GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) medications represents a significant advancement in the medical management of type 2 diabetes and obesity. These medications, approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have revolutionized the approach to treating these chronic conditions. Semaglutide, known under brand names such as …

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