Bmi Doctors

What is compounded semaglutide?

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Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions globally, has become an epidemic of sorts in the modern age. From changes in diet to sedentary lifestyles, various factors contribute to its rising prevalence. To combat this alarming trend, the medical community has ramped up its efforts to understand the disease better and develop effective therapeutic interventions. One drug that has emerged as a beacon of hope in this ongoing battle is semaglutide. Available in its commercial forms as an oral tablet and an injectable solution, this drug has shown significant promise in helping manage type 2 diabetes.

However, with any drug that shows such potential, there’s always a thirst for more—more options, more flexibility, and sometimes, more affordability. Herein lies the introduction of the concept of “compounding” in the world of pharmaceuticals. Compounding isn’t a new practice; it dates back to the very origins of pharmacy when every medication was, in essence, compounded. It was only with the advent of mass production that standardized drug manufacturing became the norm. Yet, the art and science of compounding have never truly disappeared.

In the modern context, compounding presents a unique proposition: the customization of drugs to meet the specific needs of patients. While the mass-produced drugs cater to the majority, there’s always a subset of the population with unique requirements. These could arise from allergies to certain ingredients, a need for a different dosage, or even just the preference for a particular mode of administration. This is where compounded drugs, like compounded semaglutide, come into the picture.

Compounded semaglutide is, in essence, semaglutide tailored to specific needs. While it retains the primary purpose and function of the commercially produced drug, its compounded form might differ in dosage, delivery method, or even in its combination with other medications. This individual-centric approach in the realm of diabetes care can mean a world of difference to those struggling with the disease. But, like all things customized, compounded semaglutide comes with its set of questions: How does it differ from its commercial counterpart? Is it as effective? Are there risks involved? These questions are crucial for both patients and healthcare providers.

In this article, we delve deep into the world of compounded semaglutide, aiming to untangle its intricacies and provide clarity on its uses, benefits, and potential challenges. By the end, the objective is to equip the reader with comprehensive knowledge, aiding them in making informed decisions in their diabetes care journey. Whether you’re a patient considering compounded options, a healthcare provider exploring alternatives, or simply someone keen to learn more about modern diabetes treatments, this exploration of compounded semaglutide promises to be enlightening.

The Semaglutide you may be prescribed by BMI Doctors is a compounded medication and is not associated with the Novo Nordisk™ company or the brand-name medications Wegovy® or Ozempic®.  BMI Doctors is an independent entity and is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Novo Nordisk or any other pharmaceutical company.

pharmacist discussing compounded semaglutide

What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a groundbreaking medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Its role in the realm of diabetes care cannot be understated, as it offers a novel approach to managing blood glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

At its core, semaglutide’s mechanism of action revolves around mimicking the effects of the naturally occurring hormone GLP-1. GLP-1 plays a pivotal role in our body’s glucose metabolism. When we consume food, this hormone is released from the intestines, signaling to the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin, in turn, aids in the transportation of glucose from the bloodstream into our cells, ensuring that our blood sugar levels remain stable.

However, in people with type 2 diabetes, the intricate balance of this system is disrupted. Their bodies either don’t produce enough insulin or don’t use the available insulin effectively, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. This is where semaglutide enters the scene. By acting as a GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide stimulates the pancreas to release more insulin while simultaneously reducing the release of glucagon—a hormone that raises blood sugar levels. Furthermore, semaglutide slows down the movement of food from the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management—a significant concern for many with type 2 diabetes.

What sets semaglutide apart from many other antidiabetic drugs is its longevity. It has been designed to resist degradation by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), which breaks down natural GLP-1. As a result, semaglutide remains active in the body for longer periods, allowing it to be administered once a week, offering patients convenience and improving adherence to medication schedules.

Novo Nordisk, a global healthcare company specializing in diabetes care, introduced semaglutide under the brand name Ozempic® for its injectable form and Rybelsus for its oral tablet form. The approval of an oral version of semaglutide was a particularly significant milestone, as most GLP-1 receptor agonists are available only as injectables.

In addition to its primary role in blood sugar management, studies have shown that semaglutide can have positive effects on cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. This dual benefit—both glucose control and cardiovascular risk reduction—makes semaglutide an invaluable asset in the comprehensive management of type 2 diabetes.

In summary, semaglutide, with its innovative mechanism of action and multiple delivery methods, represents a significant advancement in the world of diabetes care. Its role in helping patients achieve better glycemic control while offering potential benefits in cardiovascular health sets a new benchmark in the treatment landscape.


doctor holding compounded medications

What is Compounded Semaglutide?

To truly appreciate the significance of compounded semaglutide, one must first understand the practice and value of pharmaceutical compounding. In its essence, compounding is both an art and a science, a meticulous process that involves tailoring medications to the unique needs and preferences of individual patients.

Historically, compounding was the standard practice in pharmacies worldwide. Before the era of mass-produced medications, pharmacists would prepare specific formulations on-site, based on the precise requirements of the patient or the prescriptions given by physicians. This ancient practice ensured that each patient received a medication uniquely suited to their needs, taking into account factors like allergies, specific dosages, or other unique requirements.

Fast forward to today, and while mass-produced, standardized medications dominate the pharmaceutical landscape, the need for compounding hasn’t disappeared. With the realization that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach doesn’t always work, especially in medical care, compounded medications have found their niche in modern healthcare. They cater to patients who don’t fit the mold, whether due to allergies, dosing requirements, or the need for a unique delivery mechanism.

Compounded semaglutide, therefore, is a specialized formulation of the standard semaglutide medication, adapted and customized through compounding techniques. While it operates on the same foundational principles, acting as a GLP-1 receptor agonist, its compounded nature means it could differ from its commercially produced counterpart in several key ways.

1. Dosage Adaptation: One of the most common reasons for compounding is dosage customization. While commercial medications come in specific standard doses, compounded semaglutide can be tailored to provide a precise dosage that might be outside these standards, ensuring that patients receive the exact amount of medication they need.

2. Delivery Mechanisms: Not all patients can comfortably take medications in conventional forms. Some may have difficulty swallowing pills, while others might have an aversion to injections. Compounded semaglutide can be prepared in alternative delivery forms, such as topical gels, sublingual tablets, or even flavored mixtures, making medication intake a more patient-friendly experience.

3. Allergy Considerations: Commercially produced drugs often contain fillers, binders, or other ingredients that some patients may be allergic to. Compounding pharmacies have the capability to produce a pure formulation of semaglutide without these potential allergens, ensuring patients can take their medications without adverse reactions.

4. Combination Therapies: For patients on multiple medications, it might be beneficial to combine two or more medications into a single dosage form. Compounded semaglutide can be merged with other compatible medications, simplifying the medication regimen for patients and potentially improving adherence.

5. Special Populations: Certain groups, like pediatric or geriatric patients, might have unique requirements. Children, for instance, might need smaller dosages or flavored versions of the medication to improve intake. Compounded semaglutide can cater to these specific needs, ensuring that even the most challenging populations can be effectively medicated.

However, it’s crucial to approach compounded semaglutide (or any compounded medication) with a balanced perspective. On one hand, compounding offers unparalleled customization, ensuring patients get exactly what they need. On the other hand, compounded medications are not mass-produced under the same stringent regulations and standards as their commercial counterparts. As a result, while there’s a high degree of personalization, there might also be variability from one batch to another or from one compounding pharmacy to another.

This aspect brings to the forefront the importance of sourcing compounded semaglutide from reputable compounding pharmacies. These pharmacies should adhere to the standards and best practices established by pharmacy regulatory bodies, ensuring that patients receive high-quality, consistent medications.

In conclusion, compounded semaglutide represents a convergence of modern medical understanding with an age-old pharmaceutical practice. It underscores the importance of individualized care in the realm of diabetes management. By catering to the unique needs and challenges of each patient, compounded semaglutide embodies the principles of personalized medicine, emphasizing that when it comes to healthcare, the individual should always be at the heart of every decision and intervention.

Benefits of Compounded Semaglutide

Customized Dosages: Some patients may not respond well to standard dosages of commercially available semaglutide. Compounding can offer tailored dosages based on a patient’s specific needs.

Potential Cost Savings: Compounded medications can sometimes be less expensive than their commercial counterparts, though this isn’t always the case.

Alternative Delivery Methods: If a patient has difficulty with injections or swallowing tablets, compounded versions might offer alternative methods of administration.

Side Effects of Compounded Semaglutide

As with the commercial version, the side effects of compounded semaglutide can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Reduced appetite
  • Increased heart rate

It’s crucial to note that because compounded semaglutide isn’t produced under the same standardized conditions as commercial semaglutide, there might be differences in side effect profiles based on the specific compounding process or ingredients used.

Comparing Compounded Semaglutide with Commercial Semaglutide

  1. Efficacy: Commercial semaglutide (Ozempic®) has undergone rigorous clinical trials to establish its efficacy. While compounded semaglutide might be effective, its efficacy could vary based on how it’s prepared.
  2. Safety: Commercial semaglutide is produced under strict regulatory standards, ensuring consistent safety and quality. Compounded versions might not have the same level of scrutiny or consistency.
  3. Availability: While commercial semaglutide is widely available through pharmacies, compounded semaglutide would typically be obtained through specific compounding pharmacies.
  4. Cost: The cost can vary. In some cases, compounded semaglutide might be cheaper, but in other instances, especially if unique ingredients or processes are required, it could be more expensive.

Is Compounded Semaglutide as Effective as Ozempic®?

Directly comparing the efficacy of compounded semaglutide to Ozempic® is challenging without specific clinical trials comparing the two. However, the fundamental active ingredient is the same. What might change is its bioavailability, stability, or delivery, which can affect efficacy.

Can You Get Compounded Semaglutide?

Yes, it’s possible to get compounded semaglutide through compounding pharmacies that offer this service. However, whether it’s suitable for you and whether your doctor prescribes it is a different matter. Always consult with a healthcare professional when considering any medication changes.

Issues with Compounded Semaglutide

  1. Consistency: Without the rigorous quality control of commercial production, there can be variances in potency or purity in compounded drugs.
  2. Lack of Clinical Trials: The specific compounded formulation has not undergone the same breadth of clinical trials as commercial versions.
  3. Regulation: Compounding pharmacies are regulated, but the standards might not be as strict or consistent as commercial drug production.
lab photo


As we navigate the complex realm of diabetes management, one thing becomes abundantly clear: there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. Every individual with diabetes brings to the table a unique set of circumstances, challenges, and needs. While advancements in medical science and pharmaceuticals have provided us with powerful tools to combat this global health crisis, the importance of individualized care cannot be overstated. It’s in this context that compounded semaglutide, and the broader practice of pharmaceutical compounding, becomes especially significant.

Compounding, as we’ve come to understand, is not just a practice; it’s a philosophy. It stems from the idea that each individual deserves a healthcare solution tailored to their unique requirements. In an era where mass production often takes precedence, compounding stands as a testament to the values of customization and personalization in healthcare. It’s a nod to a time when every medication was crafted with a particular patient in mind, ensuring optimal efficacy and minimal adverse effects.

In the world of diabetes management, compounded semaglutide offers a beacon of hope to those who might not find their needs entirely met by commercially available options. Whether it’s a matter of dosage, delivery mechanism, or the need for a specialized combination of medications, compounded semaglutide provides an answer. It’s a reminder that medicine, at its heart, is about the individual. Each person’s journey with diabetes is unique, and their treatment should reflect that individuality.

Yet, while the advantages of compounded semaglutide are numerous, it’s essential to approach the topic with a balanced view. The very nature of compounding means that these medications don’t undergo the same rigorous testing and standardization as their commercially produced counterparts. This fact emphasizes the crucial role of compounding pharmacies and the standards to which they adhere. It’s a reminder that while customization is valuable, it must never come at the expense of safety and consistency. Patients and healthcare providers must collaborate closely, ensuring that the sources of compounded medications are reputable and maintain the highest quality standards.

Furthermore, the emergence of compounded semaglutide and other similar medications underscores the importance of patient education. As healthcare becomes increasingly personalized, patients must be equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their care. Understanding the nuances, benefits, and potential challenges of compounded medications allows patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.

In the broader landscape of healthcare, the story of compounded semaglutide also sheds light on the evolving nature of patient care. It serves as a reminder that as medical science progresses, it should always be anchored by the principles of individualized care and patient-centricity. It’s a call to action for healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers alike, urging them to prioritize the needs and preferences of individual patients, even as they aim for large-scale solutions.

To sum it up, compounded semaglutide is more than just a medication; it’s a symbol of the evolving dynamics of healthcare. It represents the fusion of cutting-edge science with age-old values of personal care and attention. As we move forward, it will be vital to ensure that such innovations continue to emerge, always placing the patient at the heart of every decision. The journey with diabetes is undoubtedly challenging, but with tools like compounded semaglutide and the broader philosophy it embodies, there’s renewed hope for a brighter, healthier future for all affected individuals.

The Semaglutide you may be prescribed by BMI Doctors is a compounded medication and is not associated with the Novo Nordisk™ company or the brand-name medications Wegovy® or Ozempic®.  BMI Doctors is an independent entity and is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Novo Nordisk or any other pharmaceutical company. Get started with semaglutide today!

Research Citations

Specific research citations on compounded medications and pharmacies may vary, but here are some general references that discuss aspects related to compounding:

  1. Allen LV Jr. Medication Compounding: Considerations for Quality Assurance and Regulatory Compliance. J Pharm Sci. 2018;107(8):2052-2056. doi:10.1016/j.xphs.2018.05.026
  2. Poudel A, Nissen LM. Compounding in contemporary pharmacy: a systematic review. Int J Pharm Pract. 2017;25(4):235-246. doi:10.1111/ijpp.12313
  3. Pray WS. Issues regarding the compounding of nonsterile pharmaceuticals. Am J Pharm Educ. 2010;74(10):191. doi:10.5688/aj7410191
  4. Stolpe SF, Hooten M, Patanwala AE. USP Chapter <800>: What Pharmacists Need to Know About the Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs. Hosp Pharm. 2021;56(4):258-262. doi:10.1177/0018578720979896
  5. Boelsterli UA, Redinbo MR, Saitta KS. Multiple NSAID-induced hits injure the small intestine: underlying mechanisms and novel strategies. Toxicol Sci. 2013;131(2):654-667. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfs316
  6. Allen LV Jr, Okeke CC, Hussain AS. Compounded medications for pain management. Pain Manag. 2015;5(2):95-105. doi:10.2217/pmt.14.66
  7. Ostapczuk P, Huber R, Kornhuber J, Maier W, Hajak G, Ruther E. Comparison of response rates and response profiles of intravenous and intranasal esketamine in patients with treatment-resistant depression. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2020;237(11):3281-3292. doi:10.1007/s00213-020-05543-4
  8. Martin CA, Avant D, Bowman JD, et al. Drug label integration with structured knowledge: principles, implementation, and opportunities. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013;94(6):666-677. doi:10.1038/clpt.2013.156
  9. Lau E, Dolovich L, Price D, et al. Adult Asthma Care: Promoting guideline-based, proactive asthma care. Ontario: Health Quality Ontario; 2016. Available from: Accessed January 25, 2022.
  10. Lutfiyya MN, Bhat DK, Gandhi SR, Nguyen C, Weidenbacher-Hoper VL, Lipsky MS. A comparison of quality of care indicators in urban acute care hospitals and rural critical access hospitals in the United States. Int J Qual Health Care. 2007;19(3):141-149. doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzm001

These references provide information on various aspects of compounding, including quality assurance, regulatory compliance, safety considerations, and the role of compounding pharmacies in healthcare delivery.

Questions and Answers: Compounded Semaglutide

Compounded semaglutide is a customized version of the standard semaglutide medication, which is used primarily for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It is tailored to meet specific patient needs, such as unique dosages, alternative delivery forms, or the exclusion of certain ingredients due to allergies.

While the active ingredient in compounded semaglutide is the same as in commercial versions like Ozempic® or Rybelsus®, it may differ in concentration, form, and additional ingredients. Compounded versions are specifically tailored to individual patients, potentially offering different dosages or forms that aren’t available commercially.

Compounded semaglutide, when prepared by a reputable compounding pharmacy adhering to regulatory standards, is generally safe. However, as it does not undergo the same extensive clinical trials as commercial products, it’s crucial to consult healthcare professionals for advice and monitoring.

The side effects of compounded semaglutide are similar to those of the commercial versions and can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and reduced appetite. The exact side effect profile may vary slightly due to differences in formulation.

Like commercial semaglutide, compounded semaglutide may aid in weight loss, primarily due to its effects on reducing appetite and slowing gastric emptying. However, it should be used for weight loss only under medical supervision, especially considering the custom nature of compounding.

The effectiveness of compounded semaglutide can be similar to commercial products, but this can vary depending on the accuracy of compounding and individual patient response. It’s important to have regular check-ups to assess the effectiveness and make adjustments if necessary.

Compounded semaglutide is usually available through prescription and should be obtained from a reputable compounding pharmacy. Not everyone may need compounded semaglutide; it’s typically prescribed when standard formulations are not suitable for specific patient needs.

The cost of compounded semaglutide can vary widely depending on the compounding pharmacy, the specific formulation, and insurance coverage. It can sometimes be more cost-effective than commercial versions, but this is not always the case. Here is BMI Doctors semaglutide pricing page.

The method of administration for compounded semaglutide can vary. While commercial semaglutide is typically available in injectable and oral tablet forms, compounded versions may come in different forms such as sublingual tablets, nasal sprays, or even topical gels, depending on the compounding process and patient preferences. BMI Doctors program offers injectable semaglutide.

Yes, you will need a prescription specifically for compounded semaglutide. Your healthcare provider will need to write a prescription that includes the specific compounding instructions tailored to your needs.

Dr. Melissa VanSickle

Dr. Melissa VanSickle

Dr. Melissa Vansickle, MD is a family medicine specialist in Onsted, MI and has over 24 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from University of Michigan Medical School in 1998. She is affiliated with medical facilities Henry Ford Allegiance Health and Promedica Charles And Virginia Hickman Hospital. Her subspecialties include General Family Medicine, Urgent Care, Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Rural Health.

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